Saturday, September 01, 2007

食色, 性也

食在德意志 Eat@Germany
A simple lunch at Deutsches Museum
QQ brought us to HB Hofbrauhaus Munich, for its famous pig's trotters

First meal at Munich. Oh, no!Don't be too German.

食在地中海 Eat@Mediterranean
Dinner at Nice town, with its Italian French smell
We saved money on the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but spent on this meal 1hr later.
Cute square Pizza in Rome?or Florence?Local fast food.
Ha, we all miss the 1.7EUR Pita, which coloured our life in Greece.
Some more veges, keep healthy.
@&*(^%*(#)*%&#*) ............. >.<

食在香港 Eat@Hong Kong
Dim Sum? Maxim's Palace is your 1st choice
Sweet, sticky, tasty, oily....hmmmhmmm...yummy!
