Saturday, January 27, 2007

Still about the city centre; still about a brand new life

I'm holding a visa to come to UK, and I was told I need to register with the police here once I arrived. There are a lot of werid things here, which I can never understand, like you need to press the botton outside the gate to get into police, and if you fail to do so because you simply followed other ppl in, you will be chased out and be told to make sure press one of the buttons, and somebody will come to open the door for you. I'm trying to slowly get used to these things. Anyway, it took me long time to find the police that day, and I took down some pic on the way back. There won't be much explanation, just that every pic is telling one aspect of Leeds, or UK.


Monday, January 22, 2007

NUS fellows

拿到照片才发现我们三人呈很好笑的阶梯状, 在英国要长得像Antoney那样高才能混到饭吃.


This Sunday; this satisfaction

一个闲散的星期日, 独自一人出门, 带上相机去发现新奇事物.

Parkinson Building, the main entrance of Uni of Leeds.

Several banks opp campus.

A bar with church looking. Very curious about how it looks inside.

Quite a huge shop which only sells bodycare stuffs. I can never reach the bottles put on such high shelves.

Singaporean friend told me this is the "Orchard" in Leeds.

Finally see the sunshine...... :)

Town Hall, at dusk...... oops, I'm lost. I need a map.

Entrance from the side. Nice stone, accompanied by rain drops.

发现英国人穿衣不讲究, 有时衣服卖得便宜的出奇(不包括那些二手市场). 还发现了一家物超所值的一元店, 从日用品到零食应有尽有.
天气依然有些冷, 早上没穿大衣, 所以一出门就奔去买帽子和围巾. 还买了一只好看的杯子, 也是很便宜的价钱. 照片附上.
