Saturday, January 20, 2007


I got 4 hours at London Heathrow airport. It was quite huge, and the pictures I took from Terminal 1. I think there are 3 other terminals. My flight was a littled bit delayed, and I think that's because of the hurricane here in UK.

These pictures are from my room in Charles Morris Hall. I got a room in this small house, with 16 or 17 residences only, and it is a very large and nice room, just a little bit cold. Neighbours are very nice people. They just finished their exams today, and having party to celebrate. They invited me to have fun with them, but I was a bit tired and still jetlagged, besides I planned to finish this post here and to make phone call back home also, so it was a bit pity.

Some shots from the central campus area. Physics department is in one of those very long and glass covered buildings.


北京印象/Image of Beijing

在来到Leeds的之后,才终于有时间真正泡在网上整理一些记忆, 所以先补上关于北京的一些图片.

在后海看到了一家贴有Amelie海报的酒吧, 突然觉得在这样老北京气息浓厚的地方看到透出的一丝丝异国风情是一件无比美好的事情. 真想进去坐坐, 可惜大门不开给不喝酒的人.
I was kind of surprised to see a bar with Amelie's poster outside. It's really a nice feeling to experience the foriegn smell at Hou Hai which is famous of Old Beijing cultures. I really wished to go inside and spend some time there, but unluckily gate is not open to ppl who would not like to take alcohol.

清华大学古老的图书馆, 喜欢那种静谧的气息. 高大的落地窗, 深色木制的书架, 里面还摆有陈旧的英文原本教科书.
The old library at Tsing Hua Uni. I'm always in fond of these kind of quiet and serious atmosphere, with huge windows, dark colour wooden bookshelves, which containing some original English version textbooks.
