Friday, March 16, 2007

I Hate Being Sick !!

The painful throat making the duck voice;
an organ weirdly starts to hurt, let it melt into dirty water and go to the hell !
I thought I recovered, but soon later body temp was increasing bit by bit,
really want to bend the thermometer into two.
I'm wondering what crap the doctor will tell me tomorrow.
Life is beautiful. Yes, let's see how beautiful it is, like a colourful rubbish bin.
I want to start my journey
I want to leave this place
I want to watch movie non-stop
I want to turn volume of music to max
I want to run to the edge of the world
I won't die, but
I just don't want to live
like this... ...


Monday, March 12, 2007

5th Trip: Liverpool

利物浦是個由風與水組成的城市, 原本計畫的獨行由於Theta的加入而多了不少樂趣, 於是也有了這些個人照可以上傳.



保持了每個週五下午go for a walk的習慣, 善變的英國天氣也很配合我的出行計畫, 平添了幾分色彩. iPod為我提供充足的音樂, 讓聽覺和視覺同時精美到了極致, 滿意.

Backside of Charles Morris buildings

靠近Bus interchange的City Market, 賣各種各樣的便宜貨. 覺得天上那幾朵雲恰到好處, 終於明白西方油畫上的奶白的雲朵從何而來了.

快要落山的太陽, 透過枝葉看去也不會覺得刺眼, 粉白的不知何名的花開得正旺, 讓人不忍心駐足打擾.

不能成為攝影作品, 做一張生物書里的插圖還是綽綽有餘的. 如果媽媽看到一定會跟我講這是甚麼科甚麼目的植物, 與我們通常吃的哪種水果是近鄰.

記得上一次來英國, 在將要離開的那天也是看到了彩虹, 那時的彩虹盡头是一片森林, 想像著那裡會埋藏著怎樣的聚寶盆; 而這次的彩虹是從城市中心生出的, 我是否該掉頭奔回剛才經過的地方?
