Saturday, December 30, 2006


早上很早的时候爸爸便跑进我房间兴奋地告诉我下雪了。我躲在被窝里已经可以想象外面的景色。记得小时候总写“第一场雪” 这样的作文,可现在连半个描写那种景色的词都找不到,所以还是看图片吧。





Friday, December 29, 2006


日子越过越混沌,总是有这样一个过程,刚回到家时每天都很新鲜,一天开始的清晨总有一种即将发现许多新事物的使命感,一天结束的深夜就会回想那些新奇的收获然后无比满足。可慢慢地有些麻木了,直至现在已经想不起昨天的这个时候我在做什么,最近的四天有什么新的收获。想来一天大部分时间泡在网上之后的后果就是这样,似乎做过许多事情,可必定是虚幻的不实在的。 说到网络,想到台湾地震带给我的影响,虽间接却损失惨重。一向依赖的与新加坡最后的联系NUS网站居然在我面瘫痪了,如此以来自己更被隔离在了这个灰蒙蒙的城市,时不时MSN也不给情面,使得没有了畅快的谈话。现代科技带给人类的究竟是幸福还是灾难?我们过度依赖电子的时代是不是使我们更加弱小?感觉应该还是利大于弊,人们总是寻求一种更舒服更适合自己的生活,问题出现时才会激发我们寻求改变,然后找到更加适合的生活。在以前,谁都不敢想象一张200万象素的照片会这样从手机跳到电脑里,可现在就在我眼前


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Full of question marks

It's an early dark Sunday morning, and I couldn't stay in bed any more, so I'm here. In the past one week, I could always get sufficient sleep, and thought I was leading a very happy holiday life. Now I suddenly realize, I actually don't need that much sleep. Sleeping and dreaming a dream are just excuses of escaping from the real world. Christmas time. Welcome to the real world!

Just reinstalled system on laptop. Somehow there's no Chinese Language pack in this English version Windows XP. Now there are hundreds of question marks flooding on screen, but I have to bear with it first. Obviously, I can't type in Chinese for this post, but I feel lucky I can type some English words instead, though that's not what I wish.

There's no special picture to go with the post, but what I want to put here is a photo I always liked a lot, though that's quite an old one, and really nothing special...

I'm looking at the sunshine, through layers of leaves
